This week I was writing a prayer and then right after I went through a moment of reflection. I like using what the writing theorist Donald M. Murray says in “Teach the Motivating Force of Revision” to define what I was doing which is “write to catch a glimpse of what they may see and then revise-and revise and revise and revise-to make it come clear” (56). But all of the thoughts/sentences did not originate from me, and I think it is interesting to note that I felt the need to continue my reflection in my journal because I wanted it ALL to be in one place. I wanted to make sure it is something I look back upon and remember. I guess I was trying to capture time/when it happened. Usually when I write more than a couple of sentences, I put it somewhere separately.

Some of the ideas were not new, but for some reason I felt like they were more organized, I saw the connection, or I had a better sense of how I might be able to use it. I did flesh out one more idea I did not previously have.  
Not to long ago, I also wrote a note about electronic literature. I decided to think about digital literature again only this time I thought about that and more. Some of my thoughts were revolving around sound, my pastor, and the studio visit with Flourish Klink and Elizabeth Minkel. I did not realize how much the studio visit and the comments about sound from my professor Alan Levine would help me. I am sure as I read back through what is written and include it into my electronic version I will make some revisions. But, I am happy with the start. I also have some (what’s next) ideas jotted down so when I continue working on my thesis I can start from there. I ended it all with another written prayer. 
