Since last Thursday, I have read more articles that will be included in my literature review. The process is moving a little slower than I anticipated especially since I have decided to pick articles and read it through before moving on to the next one. I figured that made more sense instead of glancing over works and getting ten to fifteen only to read them later then realize I do not want/need them. Since I have not actually started writing my paper I do not know if the ones I am choosing are actually going to work out, but they have brought things to my mind and helped me flesh out some of what I could possibly be writing about. Right now, I have a rough draft of four sources I feel good about in terms of helping me with my paper.
In addition, I think it is worth mentioning again throughout this process I have been praying. I did consider incorporating those written prayers written within this semester in my actual paper or making them a tab to explore. Whatever I decide to do, I know I want to incorporate some of my prayers. But since I want my entries to be sincere and a true expression of how I communicate with God, I was thinking about incorporating entries before I even seriously thought about doing this topic. I was thinking about incorporating entries from 2015 and early 2016. I am not sure what I am going to do yet but it is just something I have been thinking about. To be completely honest, I am a little surprised at myself for even wanting to incorporate entries. My entries are really personal, they cover everything I feel like I need to express at the time, and sometimes when I write I just write I do not think about protocols or rules so a part of me is still being very careful about how much/what I choose to expose.
Moreover, I had another idea too. I have been thinking about this for a while now. I think it will be really cool to include actual photos of my journal entries. It is something about seeing the actual version or a picture of it vs. a typed version. Once again, I am not sure about this either but it is something else I have been thinking about. 
