To say this week has been unexpected is an understatement. But, I am proud to say I have been working on my draft, and my thoughts are constantly evolving. Sometimes, I feel like my paper is going in a different direction than I originally thought it would, but I am not upset because it is only changing due to me being critical of my arguments/what I am writing. I just hope that when others read my draft they will understand my point of view and see the thought that was put into my paper.
            Right now, I do not feel it is necessary for somebody to read what I have. I just want to focus on finishing before I concern myself with another person’s point of view. I have realized sometimes when you think something is not your best or not what someone is looking for others see something completely different. So, when questions or uncertainty arise I am using that as my motivation.  Besides, I do not really know what to expect so why worry about it.
            Furthermore, I thought my paper would be nicely divided between academic and creative. I do not think it is anymore. I find myself talking a lot from my own experience although I am going back to include references to outside work. There was a struggle between making it strictly academic or using the word (I). I decided to just follow my heart and the direction I wanted this project to go. Hopefully, the decision I made works out.
            I have also been thinking about the suggestion my teacher made about including my prayers throughout my paper. I like the idea, but I am still not sure whether I am going to do it. Right now, I am trying to save my prayers for last because I want my paper to be well balanced. I am trying to write as much as I can and prove my argument before jumping to examples, and I am not trying to expose a whole lot of my private prayers either LOL. But,

today I started a new journal! My prayers continue…..
